政策 & 程序



Federal law limits the amount of time a student can receive 联邦佩尔 Grant funds to a lifetime limit of up to 6 full-time years (600%), 这相当于12个全日制学期. 的 联邦佩尔 Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used federal law applies to all 联邦佩尔 Grant eligible students regardless of when the student's first 联邦佩尔 Grant funds were received.

虽然, students may receive 联邦佩尔 Grant funds for no more than 12 semesters of full-time enrollment or the equivalent, 一旦学生获得学士学位, he/she is no longer eligible for a 联邦佩尔 grant even if he/she has not received 联邦佩尔 Grant for the 12 semesters of full-time enrollment.

如果学生超过12学期/600%的上限, he/she will be ineligible for any additional 联邦佩尔 Grant and other federal and state funds. 有 非祖父条款 也没有针对这项联邦法规的上诉程序. This regulation is in effect even if student has had an appeal approved for failure to meet 令人满意的学业进展 in past semester. 它取代了任何先前的援助提议 NO 上诉或例外.

Where Can I Find My 联邦佩尔 Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU)?

你可以登录到 国家学生贷款数据系统 使用您的FSA ID和密码查看您的低浓缩铀百分比.

How Is My 联邦佩尔 Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Calculated?

To determine how much of the maximum six full-time years (600%) of 联邦佩尔 Grant you have used, 请浏览 联邦学生援助网站


通过课程(S): 根据联邦法规, students may repeat a previously passed course one additional time for a better grade.

失败的课程(S): Students may repeat a course that was previously failed until the course is passed. 然而, failed attempts to complete a course will affect your 令人满意的学业进展 Standards.

在学业上, a student is allowed to repeat a course to eliminate a failing grade in an attempt to earn a higher grade and receive transcript credit for the higher grade. For financial aid purposes all credits attempted and completed will be used when evaluating 令人满意的学业进展 Standards.


Certain vocational programs of study are considered to be clock hour programs for Title IV purposes. 一个节目被认为是一个钟点节目,如果:

  • 的 program must measure student progress in clock hours to receive state or federal approval or licensure;
  • 的 completion of clock hours is required for graduates to apply for approval to practice applicable occupation.

Financial aid for students enrolled in clock hour programs will be disbursed based on clock hours rather than on semester credit hours and will be divided in to two or more payments depending on the length of the program. A payment period is defined as clock hours AND weeks of instructional time. Students must successfully complete the clock hours AND the weeks of instructional time in a payment period to progress to the next payment period.


Students enrolled in clock hour programs will have satisfactory academic progress (SAP) evaluated at the end of each payment period. 在审查的时候, students must have successfully completed both the clock hours and weeks of instructional time required for the payment period. Maximum Time Frame is measured in cumulative clock hours required to complete the program and expressed in calendar time. (Note that a student in a clock hour program cannot receive aid for hours beyond those in the program; the maximum time frame applies to the amount of calendar time the student takes to complete those hours.例如:, 如果课程是1200小时,并且每周满足30小时, 这意味着该项目的长度为40周. 40周的150%是60周. A student may receive aid while enrolled in this program for up to 60 weeks to complete the 1200 clock hours required for graduation.


This 联合体协议 is a contract between two colleges/universities that recognizes your registration at each location for financial aid purposes. It also certifies only one of the two institutions can administer Title IV and State financial aid.

This 联合体协议 refers to the two colleges/universities as the "家学校" and the "主办学校:"

家学校 学生就读的学校是否授予学位或证书, 哪所学校会授予学生学位.

主办学校 是学生临时上课的地方吗, 其学分将转回其“家庭学校”。.



  1. 完成第1节 财政援助联盟协议.
  2. 与你的学术顾问会面,完成第二部分. 请确保您符合以下要求:
    1. 你在澳门黄金城赌城注册了一个符合条件的学习项目
    2. 的 courses approved to take at host school are required for your program of study
  3. Meet with a representative of 澳门黄金城赌城's 澳门黄金城赌城 office to have Section III of this agreement reviewed and signed.
  4. 澳门黄金城赌城's 澳门黄金城赌城 Office will submit the consortium agreement to your 主办学校 for authorized signature(s). 的 host school faxes the completed form to 澳门黄金城赌城 澳门黄金城赌城 for processing.
  5. 完成财团期限后, you must request an academic transcript from the host school to be sent to the 澳门黄金城赌城 Registrar's Office no later than 30 days after the end of the consortium term. Please note: 令人满意的学业进展 could be impacted if the transcript is not received or the courses are not successfully completed.
  6. A consortium agreement will not be processed for any student who is in a "Suspended or Probationary" Satisfactory Academic (SAP) status.

For more information, please read the student checklist and certification section of the 澳门黄金城赌城 财政援助财团协议表格